Monday, January 28, 2013

Page 28

It's a new year with a new book to write. Today is Page 28.

There's much to say, much to share, and much to keep to myself. But, for my first blog of 2013, I'd like to share a song I wrote with you.

 If you've followed me for a while, you know of this song. I released Please Hear My Prayer - Flood Version in 2010 after the May 1st flooding that ravaged Tennessee. What many of you don't know is that, the Flood Version is a re-write of a song I had previously written.

The original song was written during a very emotional and turbulent time for me. The song was deeply personal and it was one that I had difficulty performing. I attempted to record it, but I was never satisfied with what was produced. Eventually, I put the song aside because it was - for lack of a better phrase - too powerful and emotional.

During a recent songwriting session, I played the song for my co-writer and he was adamant that I record the song exactly like I had played it for him. I had a helluva time getting through it. He insisted the song was meant to be heard in that form and that it needed to be done. Suffice it to say, I resisted. It's not that the song itself is a difficult song to sing in the sense that the range is extensive. It's simply so emotionally charged that it's hard to get through.

Well, after some persistence on his part, I finally gathered the nerve to do it. I hunkered down in my little home studio and recorded it. I played the song through and recorded at least 6 vocal tracks. Ultimately, it came down to scrapping all but the first track because, the first vocal was honest.

This is the song, as it was meant to be performed. It is simple. There was no click track. No filters, not even a pop filter. No vocal booth. No pitch correction. Nothing but a splash of reverb and a girl with her guitar.

The story of how this song came to be is one that I am not prepared to share at this point in time.  And, I cannot say that I will ever be prepared to share the story behind it outside my closest friends and family.  Maybe one day...

Allow me to share with you Please Hear My Prayer.  The original version.

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